
North Carolina Criminal Law Updates


Is Domestic Violence a Federal Offense?

“Don’t turn it into a federal case.”  You’ve may have heard that saying, understanding it means making something more serious than it should be.  An indictment and charges in federal court are actually very serious.  Media reporting in Charlotte has left some to ask, “Is domestic violence a Federal Offense?”…


DVPO and Domestic Violence Criminal Charges

OBX criminal charges involving allegations of “domestic violence” are serious and often warrant legal representation by an experienced criminal lawyer. Given the possible consequences of a conviction for assault on a female, communicating threats, or a felony assault such as assault by strangulation, it is imperative to speak with a…


DMV Restoration Hearings

DMV hearings, especially those involving a revocation due to impaired driving in North Carolina, carry consequences. If you have been permanently revoked or otherwise cannot legally drive due to DWI suspension, there may be options available for restoration that involve a formal hearing with the NCDMV – North Carolina Department…


Illegal Entry Criminal Charges in NC

It’s a frightening time to be an illegal immigrant in the U.S. In the first eight months of President Trump’s presidency, there was a 42% increase in arrests of illegal immigrants. And unfortunately, that’s just one of the terrifying illegal immigration facts. If you’re an illegal immigrant living in northeastern North…


Embezzlement Charges

Crimes of theft or dishonesty carry the potential for long-term consequences, especially considering how they may affect the ability to find and keep a good job.  That is especially true for offenses involving larceny by employee, abuse of a position of authority or trust, and embezzlement charges. While very similar…


Charged with a DWI? Now What?

Even if it’s your first DWI offense in North Carolina, you could be facing possible jail time, a suspension of your driving privileges, drastically increased insurance premiums, an ignition interlock device, probation, alcohol counseling and a fine of up to $4,000, depending on the circumstance. You definitely need to hire an experienced North Carolina DWI attorney to…

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