
Articles Posted in DVPO


Domestic Violence Charges and What You Need to Know

If you have been accused of an act of domestic violence on the Outer Banks of North Carolina, it’s important to know your rights and what you need to do next. Domestic violence charges can carry serious penalties, including jail time and a criminal record. That’s why we think it’s…


Violation of Domestic Violence Protective Orders

A violation of a DVPO in North Carolina can carry serious consequences if you’re convicted. The North Carolina criminal laws classify such offenses as upper-level, more serious misdemeanors.  Defense lawyers may refer to that as an A1 misdemeanor or an “aggravated misdemeanor.”  It is separate and apart from a factor…


DVPO and Domestic Violence Criminal Charges

OBX criminal charges involving allegations of “domestic violence” are serious and often warrant legal representation by an experienced criminal lawyer. Given the possible consequences of a conviction for assault on a female, communicating threats, or a felony assault such as assault by strangulation, it is imperative to speak with a…

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